Dr. Kelley Varner Teachings
Click this to get a list of Kelley Varner teachings available on YouTube

two_things_that_will_keep_it_real.pdf |

the_man_in_the_mirror.pdf |

Secrets of the Ascended Life Book |

The Corporate Anointing Book |

Prevail Book |

Whose Right it IS Book |

Whose Right it is NOTES |
Click title to view teaching:
Eschatology or Christology
Historical Roots of Traditional Eschatology
The Blood Covenant that Never Fails
The Meeting in the Air
Who is the Anti-Christ
Click This Link to "LISTEN FREE" to all of the Following Messages:
* Knowing the Time
* The Tabernacle of Jesus Part 1, 2
* Corporate Anointing Part 1, 2
* A More Excellent Ministry
* The Man in the Mirror
* Fresh Oil
* Something Worth Seeing Part 1, 2, 3, 4
* The Relevant Church
* Whose Right it Is
* The Priesthood is Changing Part 1, 2, 3
* The Blood Covenant Which Cannot Fail
* The Seven Separations of Abraham
* Nothing Can Stop the Seed
* Servant Power
* The Tabernacle of Jesus Part 1, 2
* Corporate Anointing Part 1, 2
* A More Excellent Ministry
* The Man in the Mirror
* Fresh Oil
* Something Worth Seeing Part 1, 2, 3, 4
* The Relevant Church
* Whose Right it Is
* The Priesthood is Changing Part 1, 2, 3
* The Blood Covenant Which Cannot Fail
* The Seven Separations of Abraham
* Nothing Can Stop the Seed
* Servant Power